NFT CULTure Happy Hour: Talking about our drop and forge mechanics and other news of the week.

The first official launch of a utility token designed and created by NFT Culture. It’s a community-centric utility token to have a seat at the round table with like-minded collectors and artists that are passionate about blockchain and NFTs.

Holding this token will allow you the access of exclusive NFT information, plus airdrops of spectacular art pieces. It permits you entry to any current or future live or virtual NFT Culture Events. It will include a Private Discord to guide both the novice and experienced tips on how to grow their NFT portfolio. And become a NFT Grand Master!

How is this token different? It’s for the NFT enlightened ones who have a strong focus on utility (and application of a token in real life). With a limited amount of seats and forging creating fewer and fewer tokens, the round table will be for the select few.


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NFT launch next week: giveaway link here :
NFT Culture

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