NFT Artist Interview – Amber Guzman

Amber Guzman is a disabled artist of many mediums for over 20 years. From modeling/cosplay to digital art she has broken into the world of art and design with her head held high!

Amber was born with a hereditary illness called Muscular Dystrophy causing her bodies muscle to not last over time making her weaker and in need of more care/ equipment to help her with her daily life.

She unfortunately has been having difficulties with using her hands and now wants to draw as much as she can while she still has these muscles to do so. The drawings that she does from this point on will be filled with tons of details and motion before she is not able to work as hard on this kind of artworks.

Over time her art may change or may no longer come to be but her love and passion for it will remain the same.

She has been featured in online magazines and newspapers such as the Cosmopolitan, LA Times, Life&Style and many more. She also appeared on television shows such as The Doctors, Telemundo News, RTL Germany and many others.

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