CyberBrokers Saving NFT SZN & More NFT Culture Happy Hour

Created by Josie Bellini, CyberBrokers is a series of 10,001 on-chain NFT collectibles that provide membership and access to different kinds of metaversal experiences. Every CyberBroker is a piece of art in its own right and has varying traits and accessories.
CyberBrokers are stored entirely on the Ethereum network. The art is composed of SVGs, a human-readable, text-based file format that allows for specifying the positions, colors, and shapes to be drawn. These SVG files are broken down into components, compressed, and stored as individual layers on Ethereum. The CyberBrokers art can then be reconstructed directly from the assets using an on-chain transcoder. CyberBrokers metadata will also be stored on-chain, and a cached image of the compiled CyberBrokers will be stored via IPFS for seamless integration into existing marketplaces.

Most NFTs only store partial data on-chain: the token ID and a URL that points to the token’s metadata. Some NFTs may store additional information on-chain, such as metadata and traits metadata, all the way to storing the art entirely on-chain. Only a few projects currently store the full art and metadata on-chain, including Avastars, Aavegotchi, and Loot.