Roman Gutikov NFT photographer Interview
Roman Gutikov NFT Photographer Social links:
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Can You Tell Us About Your Background And What Lead You Down The Path To Becoming An Artist And Ultimately Experimenting With NFTs?
Originally I’m from Belarus, past 4 years I live in Bali. I started photography in 2005 in high school it was experiments with my first amateur camera. Plots most often became macro photography or some interesting forms and lands. I didn’t understand yet what I wanted to shoot, I just tried different. But I always had a desire to make it very cool, I look for the right angle for a long time trying to get a picture that I really like. Phones in those days couldn’t give a good picture, so at some point I bought my first DSLR camera. This was only body, I spent all my money. But my father left me old lens from film camera manual 50mm, about 3 years I shot only with this lens. It’s still with me and sometimes I use it.
I didn’t want to shoot people for a long time, I refused to do it) But I got bored of shooting just nature or reportage, I wanted to embed a person, interact with. Since then and to this day, filming a person is my favorite genre. I like to work with simple subtle portraits, interesting designer clothes, naked bodies, for me it’s nothing different, in any shooting I see and create my own aesthetics. Always prefer to shoot in some space, nature, city, and really don’t like studios.
Now the main type of shooting is fashion for various brands, I also shoot my art where I have maximum freedom. And NFT as a modern type of galleries allows my creativity and true me to open up. Because shooting for customers is always a limits. Until your name is big enough to be allowed to do whatever you want.
By joining twitter in February 2022, I discovered a huge new world, an amazing family of creative people in the NFT field. Before that, I was in instagram, my account was deleted, posts are constantly blocked even with lightly naked bodies. Instead of real people, accounts are managed by others. In fact it’s a terrible experience, these frames that other people hang on you.

Obscure Edges IV
When Did You Mint Your First NFT? What Platform Did You Choose And Why?
My first NFT minted 3 March 2022 on FND. initially I chose 2 platforms Foundation and Opensea. Because I did research in advance, and tried to understand what are the most relevant platforms for photographers now.
Can You Tell Us One Thing You Cannot Live Without?
I can’t live without freedom and activity. I can’t live without creativity.
Who Is Your Favorite Artist(S) (Non NFT)? What About Their Style Resonates With You?
I like different photographers and artists working in different styles. I’m not a fan of one person, I always take the best from different people.
Who Is Your Favourite NFT Artist? What Makes This Artist Unique?
I don’t have such a specific person. I think always true love for work and the desire to get better and better gradually creates a unique style. Art, especially good high-level art, is absolutely a reflection of the inner world of a person.
At the beginning you can try different things, сopy others and it’s hard to say this is the true inner or just a game and trying to follow trends. Some people keep copying others all their lives. I like artists with a unique vision which was formed in the process of self-development and the genre is not important here.
Who Is Your Favourite NFT Artist? What Makes This Artist Unique?
I don’t have such a specific person. I think always true love for work and the desire to get better and better gradually creates a unique style. Art, especially good high-level art, is absolutely a reflection of the inner world of a person.
At the beginning you can try different things, сopy others and it’s hard to say this is the true inner or just a game and trying to follow trends. Some people keep copying others all their lives. I like artists with a unique vision which was formed in the process of self-development and the genre is not important here.
What Made You Pursue NFT Art?
I love trying new things, I was wondering what NFT is and if I can be successful here.
What Is The One Piece Of NFT Art You Wish You Had Purchased But Missed Out On?
Once in the world of nft, in fact, I have a great desire to collect works. I didn’t miss anything – everything is ahead)
If You Could Travel Anywhere In The World Where Would You Go?
So it would be either a big city or the natural landscapes of a continent that I have never been. I love to alternate) Journey through the states of the USA, NY, South America, Australia, there are actually many places I would like to visit.
What Are Your Other Passions Besides Art? Why?
It’s definitely a sport, like to keep fit. I love rock climbing, it’s my favorite sport. But also basketball, swimming, mountain climbs. I also love to travel, good healthy food and I often cook.
Do you make other forms of art?
Video shooting. For me is very clear, it strongly intersects with photography. But some points are added. Other forms of art are also interesting, perhaps sculpture, creation of in teresting objects from different materials. But so far I haven’t taken it seriously.
How Did You Come Up With Your Specific Style?
I always try to do only what I truly love and not to do another. And the constant desire to do at the level of the best works that I have ever seen.
I initially act as a creative director. For me very important what I shoot, whom I shoot, where I shoot. I choose models very carefully. This is a fascinating process, I love shooting with all my heart and it should not be dry posing, but a alive interaction, even with very famous models it can be not interesting to work. In most cases a small correspondence and social network profiles are enough to choose right.
My main shooting principles the subtlety, savage and aesthetics. I never put pressure on people, but I let them open up on their own with my help. In such an interaction, you can catch subtle aesthetic moments that are not available in other cases. And this is really close to me, I communicate with any person on an equal footing. Just at this moment the personality of the model is highly important. All these deep into me, so I don’t need to think about it.
How has your style evolved over the years?
My style was constantly changing, I tried different things, I tried to understand what was really close and important to me. And this understanding comes only through trial and errors.
If you are highly dependent on the work of customers – always shoot your creative shoots, only on them you can open up completely. Where you make key decisions and not someone else for you.
What Is Coming In The Near Future?
In the near future I will continue to work on my constant project “Obscure edges” about subtle unity of a person with nature and also want to do projects here in Bali in unique locations, with cool clothes and as always with super models)
If You Could Collaborate With One Artist Who Would It Be?
I’m open to collaborate with different artists whose work or personality touches me. Do you have any upcoming drops?
I have a lot of projects waiting for their time. It will be both 1/1 exclusive works and editions. For both I choose my best works. I really love editions cause so that differ ent people can join my creativity and these pieces are scattered all over the world.
What Was Your Greatest Failure And What Did You Learn From That?
My biggest failure is that for a long time I hoped that only my works would be able to make a statement about me. Only good works are not enough to be heard, you need to be present at most platforms, communicate with people and develop community. Love it and it will become a wonderful part of your life.