Sundays #NFT Drop: Rainbow Cats, Doodle Apes Society

With this drop and all drops, we recommend doing your own due diligence. These projects passed the formulaic threshold to achieve likely momentum but with all projects there are risks including the developers rugging the project, etc.

It is definitely derivative season in NFT land with many of these projects finding success on the secondary markets.  Today is no different. Here are the top projects of the day.

Rainbow Cats
8:00 AM
0.038 :eth: /5,000

Rainbow cats are set to launch in the first weekend of 2022! First 1,000 cats will be minted for free! (just pay gas). The remaining 4,000 will be available to mint at 0.038E per cat with the maximum of 5 mints per wallet.

Doodle Apes Society
2:00 PM
0.05 :eth: /2,500

2.500 colorful Baby Apes

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