The Australian Open has partnered with DC Blogger (Matty) to create their first NFT, the Australian Open Art Ball.  This NFT will be available to Metakey holders in a presale. What is interesting is the gamification elements of this project and the ability for collectors to match winning points and more.  You can learn more about this project here: Lite Paper

For years, the AO has been known as one of the most innovative and forward
thinking global sporting events. Now, global tennis fans will have the
opportunity to be part of the 2022 Australian Open in a way never before
available. Combining art with real-time court data in the form of an NFT has
never before been attempted and will provide incredible ways for global
tennis fans to engage as with the AO – from anywhere in the world

Art Ball (Australian Open) Utility

What is the Australian Open Tennis?

The Australian Open Tennis is the first Grand Slam of the year. It is one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world. It is held in Melbourne, Australia. The Australian Open is one of the four Grand Slams in tennis. It is the first Grand Slam of the year and it is held at the Melbourne Park in Australia. The Australian Open is always held on the first Monday at the beginning of the year. The Australian Open was first held in 1905, and women’s tennis began in 1987. To decide the winner of the Australian Open, players have to win three sets. It is an outdoor event and is held in the month of January. It is the largest annual sports event in the Southern Hemisphere and is currently held at Melbourne Park.

Metakey is an experiment exploring the unlimited use cases blockchain tech can bring to a token, (NFT or FT)

All you need is ONE Metakey, (Any edition), and we will integrate a use case in every project we can.

100 plus use cases into a single token. Take the Metakey to games, platforms, etc to get perks across the METAverse.

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