NFT Display Review: (open source art display platform)

DIY isn’t always the easiest solution for many collectors but we find that may be a fantastic option for NFT artists and buyers who want complete control over how and where they want to display their awesome NFTs.

Raspberry Pi is an affordable “credit-card sized computer” that has an HDMI port allowing it to easily connect to monitors or TVs of any size and allow the user to create or use custom linux apps or programs.  Raspberry Pi has made waves for people wanting to create smart “magic” mirrors and is making a resurgence as a great option for displaying NFTs.

What is Openframe?

Openframe is described as an open-source platform that can be extended with various media and artwork that is easy to setup and inexpensive (because it’s based on Raspberry Pi).  Additionally, the platform leverages plugins they call “format plugins” that describe how to run various art. Today, plugins work with images, video, websites, shaders and more. Additionally, artists and programmers can create extensions to run other types of art as they’re created (think Eulerbeats).

Why NFTs and Openframe?

We bolded websites for a reason. As an immediate work around, NFT collectors can link art directly to the location the URL is associated with the blockchain address creating a unique way to link to and display your NFTs.  Unlike displays like MEURAL, this allows users to display their explicit pieces which is more authentic.

NFT Display Challenges

NFT Display Pros

*photo credit Luke Cassady Dorion

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