EulerBeats take the NFT space by storm

The Value of EulerBeats surpases 300 ETH

Collectables are so hot right now.  From Cryptokiddies and Cryptopunks, to meme NFTs involving pepe the frog, Artists are trying to find new ways to generate income and exposure with NFTs.  EulerBeats are an exciting and completely unique idea that has taken the world by storm. As of this righting the value of the 27 NFTs has surpassed 300 ETH and continues to rise by the minute.

What are EulerBeats NFTs?

There have been instances of NFT artists that are starting to explore sound and music minted on various blockchain technologies.  Most of these interpretations have revolved around an artist creating their music and minting a version of the mp3 and releasing it as an NFT.  We expect many more artists to test and refine these concepts, but something very interesting is happening right now around combining generative art and music creating something truly unique in the NFT space.

Generative NFT Music

Amazing artists and programmers are continuing to explore the NFT space, this time with algorithmically generated art and music minted on the blockchain.  They describe these beats as bundles of “maths, art, music, royalties, and scarcity” creating a unique digital piece of art. Additionally, they’re exploring a common concept in traditional art around buying “prints” of the art based on a formulaic bonding curve related to the value of the NFT.  There are no more than 90 pieces of each in supply at the time of writing with prints on the genesis piece reaching over 50 Ethereum to date.






Print Price Bonding Curve

There is a bonding curve that prices the print for each original based on the function:

f(x) = a(b+x) + cx + d

where x denotes the current print supply+1 and

a = 1.1

b = -50

c = 0.026

d = -0.008

EulerBeats are built by token to test new methodologies around tokenization and Nun-Fungible collections.  and the team is using recording industry lingo while promising their next “LP” soon.  NFT advocate and Billionaire Mark Cuban has recently taken to twitter to highlight these concepts and was even interviewed on CNBC discussing NFT art and the future paradigms as more corporations explore the digital aspects of Non-Fungible art and products.


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