Wild Lion Society NFT Project

What is the project launch date?

We are going to do a Stealth Drop. Wen? Any day, no later than the 15th October.  What time? We will announce a time window, don’t underrate sleep. How to know first? Alpha and Fierce Lions will know it first through an exclusive discord channel.

How did you come up with the ideas?

Our starting point with this project was to cross communities and create value around them and all the NFT space. From there we decided that Lions were a natural choice since we needed a strong, fearless species – the species who could unite all in this cross-community concept. We also wanted a strong 2nd species, and we feel the Lioness represents exactly that. Artwise the Lion was amazing to work with, the big mane as a main trait gave us a lot of creative options, visually was impactful and resulted in lots of different vibes.

What makes this project unique?

Through this concept we decide to create the Genesis Family which will be owned by the Community Wallet and formed by a Bored Ape, a Gutter Cat, a Bull on the Block, a Goatz, an Untamed Elephant and a Gutter Rat. To represent this unity between different species and create value for Wild Lions holders, we decided to create a mintable Family Portrait and each Wild Lion owner will be able to mint it with its own Lion in it.


How big is the team and what are their roles?

 The team is based in Portugal, and we are all real-life friends. Flowzee and Geebs are NFT degens and enthusiasts by essence and the minds behind the concept of the Wild Lion Society and its management. Additionally, Sir Vincent Fred is our advisor and as joined the team as an Ambassador Lion. The goal of the team is to create a long-lasting community. Our commitment is not based on hype, and we expect an organic growth of our community. All we promise is hard work and a wild journey!


What is the price?

The mint price of each Wild Lion is 0.045 ETH.

Why is that price fair?

The artwork speaks for itself! Besides that, by owning Wild Lions you will be able to mint the Family Portrait and Wild Lionesses for free. Also, you own the commercial rights to your Wild Lion after purchase for as long as you retain ownership.


What is the Mint size?

7,000 Wild Lions will be released at the public sale. 77 Wild Lions are reserved for community giveaways and future partnerships.


When will the Lionesses arrive to the Wild Lion Society?


Once all Wild Lions find their way to the Wild Lion Society, the Lionesses will start their epic journey towards their home. Each Wild Lion owner will be able to mint for free (+ gas) a new family member.




Are there any mechanics we should know about?

We have set up 2 different roles on our discord with exclusive rewards for each. These are meant to reward early and active members of our community.

Fierce Lions: unlock at level 5

-Exclusive access to a discord channel where we will announce first when minting is live

Alpha Lions: unlock at level 10

-Airdrop of a Wild Lion Doodle NFT made by gutterboi (@gutterboi2 on Twitter)

-Exclusive access to a discord channel where we will announce first when minting is live

There can only be 300 Alpha + Fierce Lions, make sure to get your spot the soonest possible. Also, this is the first of many art airdrops for Wild Lions owners.




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