Bravo The Indifferent Duck Project NFT Customization.

The Indifferent Duck is a 10,000 NFTs collection customized by the collectors and minted on the Ethereum Blockchain.

The project launched and sold out almost immediately.  With a floor of nearly .3 ETH we wanted to come back and give it the love it deserves.  One of the features that made the project sell out so quickly was the fact that collectors were able to customize their duck on mint, picking hte attributes they love.

I’m a duck. An indifferent duck.

You may wonder what I’m doing here, well, I’m asking that myself. I remember I was chillin’ at home in front of my PC and suddenly I woke up in 2021 surrounded by 10,000 eggs, bald and starving.

I recall flashes of me traveling through different realities and words of languages I don’t remember having ever learned.

While I was going through all this, my friends, Uncle Joe and Gigi the Rat were creating a machine to discover what lies inside these 10,000 eggs so we could maybe discover what glitch in the Matrix made me live different lives in so many worlds, galaxies and the metaverse.

I discovered that I can speak all the languages in the universe. I even have multiple honorific personalities. No one will know what I’m thinking or what I’m about to say or do, ever again. Strange things happen inside of my duckie mind.

But we have a problem now, we have too many EGGS and we need your help. Your mission is to use the BRAVO MAKER® to uncover the rest of the BRAVOS and give them an identity.

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