Yuga Labs (BAYC) and Coinbase Partnering to Create Movie Trilogy

We’re stoked that Coinbase is making a film series featuring the BAYC community. Bored Ape NFT holders, submit your ape for casting, details below.👇 Mutants, don’t worry – this is the first film in a trilogy, and you’ll be getting your own casting call for part two. The team confirmed that the first part of the movie will premiere  at this years NFT.NYC event now in June.

Coinbase has been making headlines over the last 6 months teasing their imminent marketplace.  This push will likely get key NFT holders to install coinbase wallet and may take market share from Metamask.

Here’s how you can help us make this movie:
💡 Get

🎥 Submit your Bored Ape
🎬 Hide an easter egg

Yuga Labs is the creator of Bored Ape Yacht Club, a project consisting of 10,000 ape-themed NFTs with different traits and unique characteristics. They recently acquired the rights to CryptoPunks and Meebits from Larva Labs.

Coinbase is a secure online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing digital currency. Our mission is to create an open financial system for the world and to be the leading global brand for helping people convert digital currency into and out of their local currency.

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