WZRDS Innovates with new Mechanic: Ruffles Sellers That Didn’t Read the Fine Print.

In what may be one of the most controversial innovations to NFTs in a long time, WZRDS has launched their first game; allowing collectors that staked their NFTs to select COWZRDS (WZRDS that are actively for sale) and burn them. The result appears that the burned WZRDS are cut in half giving the burner 1/2 of a WZRD Skull and the original owner will keep the other half.

In less than 12 hours, the number of WZRDS available for sale has dropped from over 500 to around 60 at the time of this writing. Additionally, the price of each WZRD has jumped from .15 to around 3.2 ETH.  The caveat here is that if you put a WZRD up for sale, it will likely be burned.  Offers are still being slammed around the .3 to .4 range causing confusion in the marketplace.


The premise is interesting and not without caveats.:

All COWZRDs have gone into hiding. Refresh in 15 seconds to see if one reveals themselves, for you shall burn them. Act fast, COWZRDs flee at the first sign of danger.

While this new mechanic is incredibly and interesting for those that have staked.  Many passive collectors are already fuming at OpenSea, the WZRDs team, and anyone who may have given away whitelist spots.  One Twitter user Victor is particularly frustrated with the process, stating:

DYOR #WZRDS nft , They are stealing NFTs straight from your wallet. As they say, the smart contract allows it. So you dont get full ownership to buy and trade your asset, devs can take your property at any time, is not an NFT, value is 0

should delist it. #WZRDSCAM

WZRDS NFTs and True Ownership

This brings up an interesting challenge with NFTs and innovation.  What disclosures were required by the WZRDS team ahead of the mechanic being deployed.  On their twitter and through their story, the team warned collectors that not staking the NFT would result in consequences, but what do people do that want to sell the NFT in the future?  Additionally, before purchasing NFTs should all collectors have to know how to read the smart contract and understand what mechanics may be in place before deciding to purchase.  The onus requirements will be incredibly interesting to watch over times.



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