Punk 5822 Purchased by Deepak for 8K ETH

Someone really wanted an alien.  Deepak Thapliyal CEO of Chain Protocol made waves yesterday with the purchase of this beautiful cryptopunk shattering records and buying the rare NFT for 8,000 ETH (or ~$23m USD).  Deepak has been a big part of the NFT space since it’s inception and now blends the lines between the feud of BAYC and the Crypto Punks. In this case, a rising tide lifts all boats.  There are rumors that Larva Labs (who famously control the rights to the crypto punks unlike the BAYC) will remove their rights and give their NFT owners the same rights as other notable NFT projects.  Deepak previously made waves earlier this year buy buying the famous Mega Mutant serum for 1542 ETH (a record at teh time).


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