Pudgy Penguins expands into Clothing brand IGLOO

Pudgy Penguins, a name that rings familiar for many in the NFT space, has recently launched a brand extension: Igloo. Diving deeper into the world of mainstream fashion, Pudgy Penguins are not only tapping into the NFT universe but also branching out to cater to a wider clothing audience.

The announcement about Igloo’s debut collection was received with widespread anticipation, as evident from the online engagement metrics – the tweet about the collection garnered 28.1K views, 101 reposts, 24 quotes, 428 likes, and 8 bookmarks, all within a short span of time.


Branching Out Beyond NFTs

In a follow-up tweet, Pudgy Penguins clarified their new venture’s aim. With Igloo, they aspire to “grow the top of the funnel” for their brand. This is a strategic move, aiming to cast a wider net in the consumer market by offering fashion-forward pieces, thus not just limiting themselves to the NFT domain. Those interested in their drop can make their purchases on their dedicated website.

About the Igloo Brand

The Igloo brand embodies the essence of Miami’s vibrant culture with its designs, while the development process is rooted in the creative hub of Los Angeles. The resultant fashion pieces are comfortable, making them ideal for daily wear. However, there’s more to Igloo than just the designs. The brand strongly resonates with the idea of fostering genuine connections. Every piece from Igloo carries with it an underlying message of positivity – promoting values like empathy, compassion, and respect.

At the core of their message is the idea of “Nice as a Way of Life.” Through their clothing line, Igloo aims to serve as a daily reminder for individuals to live with an open heart. By donning their designs, wearers are encouraged to spread warmth, joy, and most importantly, be a beacon of positive vibes wherever they go.

TLDR: Pudgy Penguins has introduced a new clothing brand called Igloo, aiming to cater to a broader audience beyond NFT enthusiasts. The brand emphasizes promoting positivity, empathy, and genuine connections through its designs.


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