OpenSea Refreshes their Homepage as competition increases

Opensea is always trying to improve and enrich the user’s overall browsing experiences.

The new design aims to create an easy-to-use interface for discovering interesting projects and building collections. they want to surface a broader range of project types and highlight quality content.

What’s New with the OpenSea Website

With this new look They have redesigned our homepage so that it showcases both large events and a constantly changing collection of new and upcoming projects. they want to help people find interesting things they might not otherwise know about.

Top and Trending Tabs

The redesigned site provides collectors with a better overview of the most popular items in the market. They can also access our stats page for even more insight into what’s trending right now. The top tab shows the most popular items for sale at any given time. The trending tab shows items that people are buying right now, they know that these trends are important to the community, so we’re going to continue to add new types of insights to help everyone understand them better.

Spotlight Sections

They have redesigning the site to showcase a wide variety of different kinds of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), including some of the most interesting ones They have discovered recently.

What’s Next

As they continue to improve the new Homepage, you can expect to continue to see continual improvements and additional features added.

To surface more interesting and topical findings from across the entire NFT ecosystem, they need curators and tastemakers who share their knowledge and experience with others.

As an example, diving deeper into rapidly growing NTF verticals, like games and music Providing additional and fresh statistics for collectors to use when finding new artists and artworks to collect

With this new home page, we’re excited to continue working to highlight the variety and breadth of creativity available through the blockchain. they want to help people discover everything from the best content creators to the most exciting projects.


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