Day One Diamond Exhibition: Reshuffle and Reclaim Your Chance for Unique Art!

Moonbirds recently announced that the Diamond Exhibition mint has reopened for eligible holders, and those interested in reshuffling their Day One airdrop can do so from May 3-7. However, what many people may not realize is that Moonbirds is working incredibly hard to get this right.

PROOF, the platform hosting the Diamond Exhibition mint, recently pivoted to the art world, and it is clear that they are trying to make a name for themselves in this space. However, with any major pivot comes a learning curve, and it appears that some mistakes were made in the initial launch of the Diamond Exhibition.

From May 3-7, you can submit your airdropped DE artworks on the PROOF website to receive a new piece next week. The Diamond Exhibition Day One Shuffle applies to ALL airdropped DE artworks, not just duplicates––as long as they’re held by the wallet we initially sent them to.

Despite these setbacks, Kevin Rose and his team at PROOF are doing their best to make things right. The Day One Diamond Exhibition mint holders who received multiples of the same artwork instead of art from multiple artists based on their preferences can now reshuffle their Day One airdrops. While this is not a perfect solution, it does show that PROOF is committed to ensuring that their users are satisfied.

PROOF has also made a number of changes to the Diamond Exhibition to make it a more enjoyable experience for collectors. For example, participants in the pool will now be eligible for a bonus art raffle with rewards of additional art not in the original collection and Moonbirds + Oddities. This is a great way to incentivize people to participate in the shuffle and add some excitement to the process.

Moreover, to ensure enough variety in the shuffle pool, PROOF will add extra pieces by Diamond Exhibition artists. This move shows that PROOF is committed to making sure that everyone who participates in the shuffle has a fair chance of receiving something unique and valuable.

In conclusion, while the Diamond Exhibition may have had a rocky start, it is clear that PROOF is doing everything in their power to make it right. They are taking steps to ensure that participants in the shuffle are happy with the process, and they are committed to making the Diamond Exhibition a success. As the art world continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how PROOF adapts and grows to meet the needs of their users.

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