7 Reasons to Get Excited the web3 game ‘The Watch’

How ‘The Watch’ is Revolutionizing Player-vs-Player Strategy Games

Are you ready for a thrilling and strategic gaming experience? Look no further than The Watch, Inc., a top-down, player-vs-player strategy game where futuristic heroes battle it out to destroy the other’s base. Build your Battle Deck, activate powerful abilities, and think faster than your opponent to emerge victorious.

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of The Watch? We’ve got seven reasons why you should be pumped for this upcoming game release!

  1. Player Progression System – completed!

First things first, the player progression system has been completed and we’ve worked hard to make it enjoyable and fair for all players. This means that you’ll have a fun and balanced experience as you progress through the game. Plus, we’ve got future updates planned to make it even better!

  1. Matchmaking – also completed!

We’ve finalized the matchmaking logic for the MVP release, and we’re constantly working on improving it. Our goal is to connect players with comparable skill levels to create a fair and enjoyable environment for all. Plus, the matchmaking system works fast and takes location into account to prevent high latencies.

  1. Screen Functionality & Navigation – in progress!

Our team is currently working on the visual design of the screens and will have updates to share soon. Our goal is to make the flow intuitive and not force a new behavior on players, allowing them to go along the path that enhances their user experience at any given time.

  1. Analytics – in progress!

Our analytic system will track events that occur over the course of the game and use the data for statistical analysis. This will help us track key game performance metrics, understand players’ behavior, and adjust game parameters for the best possible gameplay experience.

  1. Art/Visual Updates – looking amazing!

We’ve been working hard to enhance the visual elements of the game, including creating new designs and fine-tuning existing ones. From polishing animations of Watcher, Zero, and Tank units to overall improvements of the map-environment, we’re making sure that every detail is perfect.

  1. Tech Updates – smooth and enjoyable experience guaranteed!

We’re focusing on ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all players. This includes conducting stress tests, identifying and addressing any issues that have arisen during development, and developing the foundation for the RTS audio system. Plus, we’re creating an optimized unit pooling system to reduce memory load for the best possible gameplay experience.

  1. Sneak Peek – two mysterious projects just for you!

As a little bonus, we’ve got two mysterious projects that we’ve been secretly crafting just for you. Trust us, you won’t want to miss what we have in store. Stay tuned for more information at the appropriate time.

So, what are you waiting for? Get excited for The Watch, and get ready for an unforgettable gaming experience!

How to gain access to the watch.

To play The Watch, it is recommended to have at least three Flash Blocks to create your own playstyle, although you can equip up to ten Flash Blocks to use on the battlefield. You can change your equipment at any time between your games.

Our game is currently under development with the active help of Ubisoft Entertainment and Globant, and we expect to launch in 2023. The Watch is a real-time, top-down view, player-vs-player PC game that you can control using your mouse and keyboard.

Are you eager to try out The Watch? We’ll be progressively deploying our Private Access to our community, prioritizing the Blackwatch Council, Stellar Keyholders, Data Keyholders, Early Access Pass, and finally, the public. Don’t miss out on this exciting gaming experience – join us in The Watch!

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