Machi Big Brother and ZachXBT Reach Amicable Resolution Over Defamation Suit

In a commendable act of conflict resolution, Machi Big Brother, a notable figure in the NFT trading landscape, has officially declared the discontinuation of his defamation lawsuit against blockchain researcher, ZachXBT.

“I am withdrawing my defamation suit against ZachXBT. Zach has many times in the past been of great service to the crypto community and pursuing legal action against him was a last resort but not the right path.”  – Machi Big Brother

About two months prior, Machi Big Brother initiated a lawsuit against Zach, claiming that an article penned by the latter had caused considerable damage to his reputation within the crypto space. The announcement of this lawsuit was met with a significant wave of support for Zach from the broader web3 community. This sentiment not only showcased in words but also in actions, as many generously contributed to Zach’s legal defense fund.

The Catalyst for Resolution:

Despite the initially contentious situation, Machi’s decision to withdraw the lawsuit is primarily rooted in Zach’s impactful and consistent contributions to the crypto community. Furthermore, in a show of good faith and commitment to mending fences, Zach revisited and amended the disputed article, addressing the areas of contention. This proactive approach by Zach played an instrumental role in facilitating the dispute’s resolution.

The two parties have now come to a mutual agreement, choosing to bury the hatchet and progress with a spirit of collaboration and positivity. Today  @machibigbrother has agreed to voluntarily withdraw the lawsuit. I have updated my article with additional context from Machi + edits from myself While I am disappointed it went down the legal route in the first place I am appreciative we are able to find a resolution – ZachXBT

TLDR: Machi Big Brother drops his defamation lawsuit against ZachXBT after recognizing Zach’s value to the crypto community. Amendments made by Zach to the contentious article played a significant role in resolving the dispute, with both parties agreeing to move forward amicably.


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