Regina Wamba NFT artist Interview

An artist since childhood, Regina’s work has graced many magazines, book covers  

and more. She’s an award winning graphic designer & storyteller. Her art encompasses  

many mediums and often reflects messages that are inspired by lifes deeper meaning.  

Mission is to inspire through the ripple effect of moody otherworldly, evocative and spiritual art.

Where are you from? (Provide a little bit of your background, have you moved etc)

I’m originally from Boise, Idaho in the western United States, but moved A LOT as a child and  consider myself more of a citizen of the world now as I love to travel and experience as much as possible of the world. 

I’ve been an artist for as long as I could remember. I used to watch Bob Ross as a toddler so he had a huge impact on me and my love for creating. I used to go everywhere with my sketchbook, mostly drawing eyes and….horses.  Horses I consider my spirit animal and eyes because they are the portal to the most honest & vulnerable parts of  being a human being. My art took me in many different directions through highschool from charcoal to watercolor to pen and ink and finally to photography. Then in college I studied Graphic Design & Visual Communications 

As far as jumping in to NFTS? Honestly? I wouldn’t have known without the artists I already knew. I come the book  publishing world where I make book covers for publishing houses and authors and a friend I have known for about  10 years now @chelseaevenstar and her 

husband @davidariew were jumping into this space and helping other artists do the same. So I kind of got shoved off a “cliff” by the most loving person on the planet. LOL I’m forever grateful for her and David for taking the time to  answer all of our silly questions as they too were also learning along the way. 

When did you mint your first NFT? 

March 2021! I listed on Foundation because that was all the rage! Everyone was going on about how beautiful it was, so naturally that felt like the best place for Cosmic Love which has since sold. 

Can you tell us one thing you cannot live without?

My sarcastic side wants to come out here and say pineapple pizza, but in all reality? Art. Its how I express myself, its how I send messages of hope and reminders to fall into your imagination and ALSO express yourself through whatever medium(s) is yours. 

Who is your favorite artist(s) (Non NFT)? What about their style resonates with you? I say this all the time, but growing up, most kids watched cartoons (i did too) but a majority of my  time was spent watching Bob Ross. Its not that Bob Ross is the most moving artist, but that  he left a positive mark on my childhood and shaped my mind to lean on my artistry. 

Who is your favourite NFT artist? What makes this artist unique? 

There are several incredibllllee artists out there. But something about @zhuk_live paintings that steal my breath away. The movement, the emotion, the story. Its left a lasting impression on my soul. 

What made you pursue NFT art? 

Curiosity of a new era. I’ve always wanted to pursue art in traditional ways but never had the  knowledge and/or knowhow. NFT art seemed to be changing the game for digital artists, and  being the stubborn Leo that I am, I decided… what the hell? LFG! lol 

A love that crosses the universe and was written in the stars.
Cosmic Love is a blend of Photoshop and Underwater Photography by Regina Wamba.

What is the one piece of NFT art you wish you had purchased but missed out on? 

Probably a Zhuk piece when we were still new and talking about getting on different platforms. Also a piece by Glass Crown (the dream collector) 

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? Why this location? Indonesia is so far my most favorite place in the world I’ve been. Its got some magical positive vortex and you can’t help but feel pulled to listen to the magic of the universe. 

What are your other passions besides art? Why? 

Travel, Cooking, Decorating, Family, Friends and buying art. Goal is to have a museum of  art from across the world. 

Do you make other forms of art? 

I paint, I do pottery, I love video, I love to design and 3D model.  

How did you come up with your specific style? 

I guess that just developed over time. I love to play with dark and light as I feel we need to have both to have a balanced world. You cannot appreciate the light without the dark… so it finds its way into my work as dark evocative and storytelling with hints of hope & love (light) 

How has your style evolved over the years? 

I’ve definitely learned a few tricks over time. Practice and not giving up when the going gets  tough. You keep showing up for yourself and your passions. 

What is coming in the near future? 

Near future! Be on the lookout for some epic art in a 10k project (NFT Kollabs) more 3D work,  animation and video work as well.  

What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from that? 

Greatest failure is probably not believing in myself. When people tell you you have talent, believe them. I didn’t believe it, nor myself (I still struggle sometimes) and missed opportunities to present my work on bigger platforms & places because I thought I couldnt do it because of ___________ excuse at the time.  

I learned (and am still learning) to take the risk and invest in yourself. Mistakes aren’t really mistakes but lessons to (hopefully) learn from (otherwise they keep showing up in your life). You can bet on yourself and truly believe in your art! 

Anything else you’d like to share? 

Take the leap! Believe you can & go for the moon. Along the way? Take care of yourself. 

If you could collaborate with one artist who would it be? 

Boticelli! In my work I try to have the most emotive work through posing and facial expressions. He was a master at evocative work… something so so inspiring to me. 

Do you have any upcoming drops? 

Yes! My second 3D drop is coming up on KnownOrigin! 

Where can collectors find your work? 

Foundation, MakersPlace, KnownOrigin & Opensea. 

Link to Website: 

Social links: 

NFT marketplace links: 


Link to any pieces you want to highlight in the piece (and prices if necessary) 



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